2 min readApr 19, 2019

For Granted

It’s my word of the month, I guess. Often times we don’t realize what we have until we lost them, like this old cliche overused saying on people’s instagram captions said. With a rare case of helpless heartbreak of knowing how precious what you have is and you can’t do anything as it slips away.

A close friend of mine was in one of those rare cases. A conclusion has recently been made and it’s that “I’m just going to enjoy everything and do my absolute best while I can. Before circumstances really made it impossible one day.” And I thought about it a lot.

I wasted a lot of opportunities in a day, in 24 hours I can do more, I can do more for myself, I can do more for the people I love, I can do better work when I have the opportunity to. I’m wasteful in money, in time, I don’t use what I have to their fullest potential and it’s embarassing. The point is that all of a sudden I realize how much I take things for granted on daily basis.

The people around me are around me while they can. God forbid something bad happen that makes me can’t see them again, but if that’s the case I would be dead guilty for not making the time I have with them the best and the happiest. I don’t want to look back at this moment and think “I should’ve done that”, I don’t want to take people around me for granted.

So this close friend who had been diagnosed with a limited time to savour his moments is now doing his best, “get her presents, send her food, some chocolates maybe? Everyone appreciates food especially if it’s their favorite” I said. It’s the only advice I can give. “Do anything to make both of you happy while you can”.

And that’s how it all began. It’s been weeks that I’m haunted with the idea of taking things for granted. Everything I have, everyone around me, they deserve better energy and better treatment from me. Including myself, I have taken this mind and body for granted, and I should focus on what really matters. I have been self centered enough for wanting so much without realizing how much I neglect things, and it’s time to stop.


Written by Fever103

Tumblr-core emotional and deeply personal bad writings

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